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Business rates relief 2024/2025

Last November, the measures announced in the Autumn Statement 2023 included some extensions and some cuts to business rates relief for the 2024–2025 tax year.

While the business rates burden may be alleviated for some businesses in England and the Scottish islands, businesses in Wales sadly will not be as fortunate.

Here are the latest figures for business rates relief and multipliers from 1st April 2024.

National Insurance cuts could save workers hundreds of pounds

Calculated according to employment status and earnings, it’s essential for workers to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs) to help provide funding for essential public services like the NHS, state pensions, and state benefits.

However, many people believe they are building up a national fund, when it’s more of a ‘pay as you go’ system – each year’s contributions pay for that year’s benefits.

Framing NICs that way, rather than as just another tax on income, previously allowed politicians to make headlines over basic income tax changes with less attention on revenue from increased NICs – but the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt seemed to give up on this approach last November.

In the Autumn Statement 2023, it was announced that upcoming NIC reductions would be the equivalent of tax cuts for employees and self-employed people.

As of 6th January 2024, the main rate of National Insurance has dropped by 2%, which is effectively a 15% reduction in National Insurance Contributions – resulting in significant savings for millions of workers across a variety of sectors.

Here’s a summary of the changes to NICs in 2024 and what this could mean for you.

When should you start planning for retirement in the UK?

According to the Office for National Statistics, the median age of the UK population increased from 30.96 years old in 2011 to 40.7 years old in 2021.

This gradual ageing of the population, combined with shifting work patterns brought about by COVID-19, has led to a rise in research on attitudes towards retirement.

The latest report to investigate such attitudes is Standard Life’s Retirement Voice 2023.

One of the topics it covers is the benefit of planning ahead for retirement – but what do people in the UK think about retirement planning, and when is the best time to start?

National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage increase in 2024

In welcome news for young workers and apprentices, minimum wage rates will increase substantially from 1st April 2024. However, this may put more pressure on employers who are already struggling in a difficult economic climate, as even small employers must pay the appropriate minimum wage.

Almost all workers in the UK are entitled to a minimum hourly pay rate known as the National Minimum Wage. The National Living Wage is a higher minimum pay rate currently available for workers over 23 years old, but this age limit will be reduced to 21 years old in the coming April.

Expanding cash basis as the default

The current default accounting method for businesses in the UK is accruals basis accounting, which involves noting transactions as they happen instead of upon payment of invoices. If a qualifying business wanted to use cash basis accounting to record transactions when payments are completed, they would have to opt in.
However, following the Autumn Statement in November 2023, the government will make cash basis accounting the default instead. This means cash basis will be the standard method of calculating trading profit for self-employed traders and partners with trading income, taking effect from the start of the 2024–2025 tax year.
Businesses will now have to use the cash basis scheme and opt out if they want to use the accruals basis scheme instead. This should make it simpler for most businesses to complete tax returns reporting their income to HMRC.

Concerns remain over merging R&D tax relief schemes

While Research and Development (R&D) tax relief was introduced to encourage UK companies to make innovative investments that could boost the economy, the government is reforming this system due to concerns over fraudulent tax relief claims.
In addition to switching to online or digital submissions only and requiring more information for R&D tax relief applications from April 2023, the government announced in the November 2023 Autumn Statement that the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) scheme and the small or medium enterprise (SME) R&D relief scheme would be merging into one from April 2024.
These two schemes will merge into a new scheme that is similar to the RDEC scheme currently used by large companies, which will eliminate the complexity of moving between schemes. This is designed to simplify the system and make it easier to ensure that companies can claim the right R&D relief they are entitled to more efficiently.

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