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The gbac JOURNEY to Net Zero

road to net zero

In the beginning

We began our drive toward net zero in earnest in 2022, having had our efforts restricted in 2021 because of the pandemic.

We realised straight away that Net Zero is a mammoth task and we might not get there, but we were determined to try. In our efforts for success we would risk improvement and failure.

We knew little about the subject matter and we are still learning day by day.

But this is what we did, and it is also what we are still doing. It is a JOURNEY.

1) Found out more about Net Zero to understand the basics

To answer the question, “What does Net Zero mean and why does it matter?”, we:

  • Read lots of articles.
  • Participated in The Small Business Sustainability Basics Programm
  • Attended a Net Zero c
  • Increased our knowledge base and improved our understanding of the challenge.

2) Created a greenbac team and regularly reported back to our entire gbac team

We created a small dedicated team with enthusiasm for the issue and a desire to change our practices and improve our carbon footprint.

Our greenbac team then fed back to the entire gbac team through our whole team meetings so the entire office was looped in.

3) Engaged professional external support

As well as completing The Small Business Sustainability Basics Programme, we engaged a consultant through the Low Carbon Business Support Programme.

4) Measured our current carbon emissions and started planning to reduce them

We measured our first footprint in April 2022 with the help of our consultant.

It was a mixed picture, as it covered a 12-month period during which we had a few lockdowns and our team was taking a hybrid approach of working in the office and working from home.

5) Got involved with a movement

We refreshed our thoughts and got further support from the following using two different greenbac teams so that we felt assured and confident in what we could do.

  • Low Carbon/Net Zero Barnsley Programme
  • SYMCA Net Zero Programme


6) Re-calculated our carbon footprint

Time had passed. With the help of the team via the Low Carbon/Net Zero Barnsley Programme, we learned to calculate our own carbon impact.

We then extended our focus to include Scopes 1, 2, and 3.

7) Made a commitment to climate action and accessed tools to reduce emissions

Team gbac made a commitment to climate action by agreeing on small actions we can take as a firm so that we can reduce our carbon footprint.

We accessed tools to help us reduce emissions and disclosed our progress.

8) Found more support and some funding

The team at the Low Carbon/Net Zero Barnsley Programme helped us with our thinking on the next steps – what was impactful and what was possible.

They even assisted with signposting potential funding support.

9) Kept an eye on what others were doing

Throughout this journey, we have looked with interest at what others are doing to reduce their carbon emissions.

This is a global movement that will benefit everyone. Where we have been able to learn from others, we have done so.

10) Reduced electricity and gas usage

We had our carbon footprint from Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions measured for the first time, but because we are a firm of accountants, the entirety of Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (imported power and utilities) emissions result from our work in the office: running computers, heating, and lighting.

We immediately took action to reduce the use of electricity and gas as much as we could, which meant we:

  • Adopted an “off and completely off” policy to ensure that we did not leave PCs and other office equipment on standby out of office hours.
  • Changed our conventional lighting so that LEDs were used across the office.
  • Reduced the use of our air conditioning systems.
  • Made sure that the central heating system made the maximum use of thermostats and timers.
  • Carried out regular operations and maintenance checks.
  • Made sure our doors and windows are draught-
  • Turned down our thermostats.
  • Adjusted our office blinds to maximise sunlight wherever possible, fitted Electric Vehicle Charging points at the office, and
  • Changed company cars to electric cars.

Ongoing considerations: Installation of solar panels on the roof.

The gbac charter: what we committed to do

  • Reduce our use of paper with the aim of becoming “paperless”.
  • Be flexible so that we can reduce commuting to work and increase productivity by implementing a 4-day week.
  • Be efficient in our use of electricity, gas, and water, and reduce overall usage.
  • Reduce all waste.
  • Recycle more.
  • Use sensor-activated lights where possible.
  • Be “green smart” with our purchasing choices.

Sustainability Report 2023

Here are the highlights of our 2023 Sustainability Report:







Scope 1 7.59 6.77 +0.82 +12.1
Scope 2 6.29 7.58 -1.29 -17.0
Sub-total 13.88 14.35 -0.47 -3.3
Scope 3 26.50 N/A N/A N/A
Water 40.38 N/A N/A N/A


** 2022 covered a 12-month period in which we had pandemic lockdowns and a hybrid approach to working in the office and working from home.

Other metrics we have been tracking include:

Stationery and paper usage

  31st March 2024 31st March 2023 Impact
Office stationery £1,195 £1,594 25% reduction
Postage £435 £1,454 70% reduction


Employee travel to work

  • 4-day working week – reduces travel to work by 1 day every week.
  • As of 31st March 2024, 75% of employees now do a 4-day week (71% in 2023).
  • This has resulted in a 6% reduction in travel time, travel costs, and emissions from car travel.

What does 2024 hold?

It seemed clear to us that we needed further help. Having taken part in the Low Carbon/Net Zero Barnsley Programme, we were assisted in identifying the next big push.

Solar power is our way forward to further positive change.

Further electricity use reduction will therefore be achieved through the installation of solar power.

We are now B Corp accredited!

B Corp companies are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Being a B Corp certified company as of July 2024:

  • Demonstrates and verifies our desire to use gbac as a force for good.
  • Rewards our sustainability drive (ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance).
  • Rewards and complements our investment in people (IIP).
  • Complements and underpins our investment in the planet and our journey to Net Zero.

Get in touch

At gbac, we are approaching our commitment to Net Zero with as much dedication as our commitment to delivering the best financial services to our clients.

To learn more about what we can do for you, browse our website or get in touch with our helpful team.