Is your High Income Child Benefit Charge tax return overdue?
Many parents are not aware of the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC). It’s a confusing kind of tax, requiring individuals who need to repay some or all of the Child Benefit payments they’ve received to submit a tax return every year, even if their income is already taxed through PAYE.
Since there is little public awareness about the requirement to pay back Child Benefit if your income is above a certain threshold, many people are at risk of receiving penalties from HMRC and having to pay back thousands of pounds they weren’t even aware they owed.
Currently, the number of people estimated to be in default for the High Income Child Benefit Charge is over 60,000. If you’re liable for paying the HICBC, but haven’t been submitting Self Assessment Tax returns each year, then you could be one of many middle-income families who will find themselves owing several thousand pounds in backdated Child Benefit repayments.
Read on to find out how the High Income Child Benefit Charge works, who it applies to, and what will happen if you’re liable for this charge but haven’t been paying.