Under the government’s original plans, anyone required to submit Income Tax Self-Assessment returns to HMRC would have been obligated to sign up for the Making Tax Digital (MTD) service by April 2024 – but the implementation of MTD for ITSA has since been delayed until April 2026.
Switching to the online tax service will initially be mandatory for landlords and self-employed earners with income over £50,000 a year, while those with annual income below this but above £30,000 will be required to join from April 2027.
Before setting a deadline for extending MTD to smaller businesses earning less than £30,000 a year, the government conducted a review to consider how this might affect the needs of small businesses.
The outcome of the MTD small business review is the announcement that there are no plans to extend MTD for ITSA to landlords and the self-employed earning below £30,000 a year for the foreseeable future – though this may be reviewed again.
Here’s a short guide explaining what self-employed workers and landlords should know about current changes to MTD for ITSA.